Beauty World

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Here you will find about Different types of skins, Face packs, Hair packs, variety Facials, Pedicures, Manicures, Hair oils, health tips, daily tips, and many more for female as well as for male.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Skin care

Normal skin:

Normal skin has an even tone, soft and smooth texture, no visible pores or blemishes, and no greasy patches or flaky areas. It glows with an inner health which stems from good blood circulation and excellent health.

Oily skin:

Oily skin is shiny, thick and dull colored. It is prone to blackheads. The oil on the skin gives it a greasy shine. The pores are enlarged and the skin has a coarse look. Oily skin is prone to acne.

Dry skin:

Dry skin has a low level of sebum and can be prone to sensitivity. It usually feels “tight” and uncomfortable after washing unless some type of moisture or skin cream is applied. Chapping and cracking are signs of extremely dry, de hydrated skin.

Combination skin:

Combination skin is a combination of both oily and dry skin. There is a greasy center panel consisting of nose, forehead and chin and a dry panel consisting of cheeks, mouth and the areas around the eyes. This type of skin is very common.

Determining your skin type:

To determine the type of skin, you have, wipe your face with a dry tissue, when you wake up in the morning. If there is oil on the tissue, the skin is oily. If there is grease on the center panel only, then it is a combination skin. If the skin is left feeling stretched or too tight, it is dry. If the skin feels smooth, supple and elastic, it is normal.

Skin care management:

· Cleansing
· Toning
· Moisturizing
· Protection


cleansing removes, the old make up and the grime and dirt. Oil free cleanser for oily skin, and cleansing milk for dry skin or normal skin.


Toners remove all the dirt, make up and cleanser that remain after cleansing. Toner also normalizes the balance of the skin. Apply toner all over the face with a moist cotton.


Moisturizing ensures that the skin is, smooth and supple. The skin on the face gets dry easily because of the weather. It forms a film over the skin and helps in containing the natural moisture of the skin.


over exposure to the sun’s invisible ray’s ultra violet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) can cause skin damage. The damage can be immediate and long-term, with effects ranging from sunburn, rashes, and cell and tissue damage to premature wrinkling and skin cancer.


Face scrubs are very good as they slough away dead cells and give a glow to the dead and lifeless looking complexion. Take care not to use a scrub when you have pimples on the face. A scrub can at times aggravate the situation.

Care for dry skin:

Dry skin needs extra care, as it is prone to fine lines and wrinkles. This is especially true during the winter months when it feels even drier. Always wash your face with a mild, soap free face wash. Always use moisture during the day.

Care for normal skin:

Normal skin is usually trouble-free and needs simple care to keep it healthy and glowing. Creams and lotions that contain vitamin A, C and E help improve the texture of your skin, making it smoother and softer. Even if your skin is normal, you still have to give it regular care.

Care for oily skin:

It is essential to cleansing your face twice a day, once in the morning and once at bed time. Follow up the cleanser with an astringent as this will remove all excess oil. If your skin does break out, do not touch or squeezed, may leave permanent scars. If possible get your face professionally cleansed once a month. Drink at least 10 – 12 glasses of water each day. Water helps flush out toxins from the body.

Home tips:
Always clean face with ordinary milk or cleansing milk.

When you came from outside apply curd, lemon juice. And give light massage.

When you tired rub the face with one ice cube. And apply any your choice face pack.

Daily night apply moisturizer to the face.

Daily twice clean face with warm water.

Maintain weekly once steam with face pack.

Monthly once facial. Facial will Increases the tightness of skin, Smooth skinWrinkles, and lines will not appear. It balances oiliness and moisture. It relaxes the body Due to increase in blood circulation the face may look healthy, fair, glory and color may increase.

Monthly once shape well the eyebrows.

Give importance to dresses, which suits to your skin color, height and weight.

Maintain daily yoga or any other exercises for ½ hr. controlling of body also most important.

Face is the index of mind so give importance to face, as well as your body.

If possible try to know about body language course.

Daily drink 15 glasses of water. Due to having more water there is more advantages. It controls pimples, and it clears kidney stones, and it cleans dust in your body. Skin color will improves. And many more advantages due to water. It controls from many more diseases.

Daily drink butter milk1 glass with adding 1 tsp of turmeric powder.

Give importance to fresh fruits, vegetables and green leaves.

Maintain daily C.T.M.P.Rules.

For hair monthly once henna.

Maintain all these and always be cool. Don’t feel any tensions. Daily meditation will gives your mind and body cool. Don’t give more stress to your body.

Daily 8 hrs sleeping is to controls, under eye dark circles. Other wise 6 hrs is enough.

Face is the index of the mind. So you must take care about of your face as well as your body.

Beauty depends on good health. You are healthy or not you can find out in your face. The beauty is based on your healthy food. Try to maintain natural beauty. For good health these are useful-fresh green leaves, fruits, fruit juices, milk, vegetable salads and fruit salads, cucumber, tomato, carrot, banana, papaya paste, turmeric, Tulasi, mint, fenugreek seeds etc….these are the natural foods. With natural foods you can maintain natural beauty.

Before you attempt to use any skin care methods or products, you should know what your skin type is. After knowing what your skin type is, you will be able to make the prudent choice.

The first step towards a beautiful skin is to start now and take good care of your skin. Your skin needs your attention to take care of it so it can make younger, remove wastes, impurities, dead and dull cells on your skin as well as tighten your skin.

If you are those who work inside an air-conditioned office for a long period of time, you should place a large bowl of water beside where you are sitting so as to increase the humidity.

To prevent you skin from becoming dry, itchy and flaky after the water level in your skin drops by ten percent, you should use a moisturizing spray whenever your skin become dry, flaky or itchy. Watch what you eat, you should consume food that contain vitamin B5, E and F as it can hydrate your skin while reducing your wrinkles.

The sun is bad for your skin as it will increases your chances of getting blotchy pigmentation, wrinkling, broken blood vessels, thinning of your skin, dryness, uneven color, etc. The two most harm radiation from the sun which are bad for your skin is the UVA and UVB.

The best methods to protect yourself, against sun damage and aging of your skin is to use sun protection like sunscreen. By applying the sunscreen will protect your skin from sun damage, pollution and dehydration.

You should have the habits of cleaning your skin daily as it will keep your pore clear and skin healthy. You should use cleansing products which is chemical-free. Apply a moisturizing lotion to your skin after cleansing to fill the natural oils removed during the cleansing.

It is not necessary to apply moisturizing but you may want to. Although it may be troublesome, it is beneficial to your skin. When you get back from work, you should spend some time cleansing your skin to remove the grime, makeup as well pollution which stick to your face during the day.

Ensure you get sufficient rest and eat a nutritious meal as they will help to eliminate toxins and the maintenance of your skin which makes your skin look good and healthy. Relaxation is vital for reducing stress. Stress is bad because it will create lots of skin problems.

You should take adequate vitamins daily as it is essential for a good skin. Vitamin A is well-known as an anti-wrinkling agent while vitamins B are good for blood circulation in your skin. Another vitamin which is playing a role in human health is Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is vital for the health and beauty of your skin and helps to fight bacteria and virus on your body. Vitamin C is also used when your skin is injured to speed up healing and removing free radicals.
Washing your face with green tea after cleansing is good as it can purifies and assists your skin to absorb those active ingredients effectively.

Friends of the skin:

Daily 8-12 glasses of water.

Green vegetables.


Fresh air.

Daily exercise.

Yoga and meditation.

Positive attitude.

C.T.M.P Rules.

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