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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Know your skin type

The structure of the skin:

skin is the structure of the body and relation ship of the various parts with one another. The skin is essentially a covering with encapsulates, protects the organs and muscles of the body.
The skin of the scalp palms and soles of the feet are thick where the skin on the face lifts up, and genital organ is thinner, sensitive and mobile. The weight of the skin is 3-6 pounds and Area of the skin is 16-19 sft approx.
Nature has designed the skin to maintain itself and stay healthy. Some time due to less moisture can cause excessive dryness and various subsequent problems. Therefore we have to take basic care of the skin to make its appearance always good.
According to texture the skin can be classified in various types.

Normal skin:

A normal skin has a fine even texture that is smooth surface. It has proper balance between oil and moisture. It looks clear and does not develop spots and blemishes. The pores of the skin are very smooth. Daily cleansing, toning moisturizing is good care for normal skin.

Dry skin:

Dry skin lacks sebum and moisture. It looks fine texture transparent patchy and dries easily. It has wrinkles and over exposure to the sun may damage more. We should clean it every time. Use oil based soaps and creams.

Oily skin:

This kind of skin has excess production of sebaceous by oil glands. They produce oil more then needed. The skin looks greasy shining and glory. The pores enlarge and give the skin greasy look. Oily skin face problems like pimples, scars, and blemishes. We should always take special care to oily skin it should clear time to time and properly. Oil skin persons should not use soap always; skin may turn dry and dull. Oily skin people will not use cleansing milk instead of that use rose water. Wash the face with warm water.

Combination skin:

combination skin has 2 types of skin. It has oily and greasy look in some areas and dries in some parts of the skin. Head, nose, and eye brows are referred as T-zone, and it has dry or moisture look. Cheek is the C-zone. It is easy to know this type of skin. We can test the skin through tissue paper in some area it will show greasiness and in some parts dryness.
Sallow skin: it looks pale yellowish in color due to less amount of “B” vitamin.

Sensitive skin:

It reacts to the external and internal changes. Some times it looks red and rashes on skin.
Hydrated skin: this skin has too much of moistures. Face looks like swollen. Under eyes a thin layer of water appears and double chin also occurs. This condition may be more sensitive it may react easily to toxins.

Dehydrated skin:

It commonly fall under the category of dry skin. The basic of dryness or dehydration is lack of moisture. Skin looks red rough patches. This condition should not be neglected. It may cause premature wrinkles and lines.

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